Your doctor may recommend Ambulatory Esophageal Reflux Testing (pH-Z monitoring). This is a catheter-based test using a combination of pH and impedance sensors for the identification of both acid and non-acid reflux (that may be contributing to PPI Refractory Reflux Disease). It can evaluate the number of reflux events, the acid content of each event and how long each event lasted. This enables your physician to improve management of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) and develop the best care plan.
How is pH-Z done?
You will first require an esophageal manometry test to locate the upper border of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) for proper placement of the Ambulatory Reflux testing probe.
Patient must fast for at least 6 hours prior to the test.
You will be instructed whether to hold or continue anti-secretory medications e.g. Omeprazole/Prilosec, Lansoprazole/Prevacid,Pantoprazole/Protonix, Pepcid, Zantac etc.
A small diameter, soft and flexible catheter is inserted gently through the nose after numbing the area and guided into the esophagus. The catheter is taped in position and connected to a monitoring device which is carried by the patient for 24 hours. During the 24 hours, you should continue all your daily activities.
You will be instructed to write entries in a diary and MUST note when you eat, take medications, lay down, upright position or when experiencing any symptoms.
After 24 hours of test period, you will return to the Endoscopy unit where the recording device/diary are collected and the nasal catheter will be removed.